var cardsTitle = ['The Lovers', 'The Hermit', 'The World', 'The Emperor', 'Strength', 'The Magician', 'The Papess', 'The Pope', 'The Fool', 'The Tower', 'The Empress', 'The Wheel of Fortune', 'The Sun', 'The chariot', 'Justice', 'The Hanged Man', 'Death', 'Temperance', 'The Devil', 'The Star', 'The Moon', 'Judgement'];
var cardsImage = ['amoureux.jpg', 'ermite.jpg', 'monde.jpg', 'empereur.jpg', 'force.jpg', 'bateleur.jpg', 'papesse.jpg', 'pape.jpg', 'fou.jpg', 'maisondieu.jpg', 'imperatrice.jpg', 'rouefortune.jpg', 'soleil.jpg', 'chariot.jpg', 'justice.jpg', 'pendu.jpg', 'mort.jpg', 'temperance.jpg', 'diable.jpg', 'etoile.jpg', 'lune.jpg', 'jugement.jpg'];
var cardsSigni = ['A choice and a doubt', 'The way to go', 'The symbol of opening, of a blossoming of the spirit', 'Power and law', 'Will and energy', 'The beginning', 'High Priestess', 'Spirituality and wisdom', 'Travel and initiation', 'Deception and upheaval', 'Intuitive power', 'Wealth and prosperity', 'Success', 'Victory', 'Loyalty and order', 'suspension of progress', 'Transformation', 'Patience and moderation', 'Sensuality and excess', 'Evolution and wise advice', 'Emotions and gestation', 'Reward efforts'];
var cardsDescr = ['Beware of temptation, imprudence and impulsive decisions ; these could prove dangerous to your balanced life.', 'You are looking for hope and essential human values, a deception could produce a certain melancholy, do not let yourself be disheartened.', '', 'You hope to accomplish something related to the material world; it is your time to pass to action but keep your feet on the ground. To succeed you will need to keep a cool head and do not antagonise people representing authority.', ': You possess a high vitality at present with seemingly inexhaustible energy; you hope your labours will be acknowledged by those around you. Your efforts will be rewarded and you will obtain success in your endeavours due to your tenacity, do not be too impatient.', '', 'You seek knowledge and now is the right time to take up some studies or enter a competition; intellectual endeavours are to be favoured at this time. Things that are hidden or planned projects invite reflection. On the emotional front a change may be coming soon as well as the end of a period of waiting.', 'You seek a spiritual uplifting, you are looking for an inner happiness; you will succeed if your cause is fair. Do not attach too much importance to material values, try to develop your intuition, it will be useful to you in the near future.', 'You are tired of waiting for something that is late arriving, try and change your attitude. You have a tendency to let yourself go. A casual romantic encounter may make you careless. This major arcane card warns of risks related to a casual attitude.', 'You cannot fight destiny, this card alerts you to a forthcoming difficult period, let things take their course! Beware of risks concerning conflicts or separation; beware of financial loss due to bad management.', 'You are looking for reassurance and hope for harmony with your partner and those around you. Tradition and respect for the rules inspires you. Beware of worries caused by some of those around you; your best defence is communication and respect for the law.', 'You aspire to move on to something else, and rapidly. The routine has caused stagnation and you wish to put an end to its confines. Avoid misunderstandings and repercussions! Remain positive; unexpected and rapid changes could turn your life upside down.', 'You are entering a period that is fruitful and beneficial for growth; make the most of your value, you will be appreciated by those around you. It is the time for you to turn to others.', 'Concrete accomplishment of your projects and wishes. You can count on the sincerity and loyalty of those around you. You will triumph over your troubles; this Major Arcana card announces the concretisation of a wish that you have held close to your heart for a long time.', 'You will benefit from a solid support with your projects, solutions and clarifications will come to you if you are having problems untangling a difficult situation. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into negative feelings or you will be tempted to judge too hastily; take the time to weigh things up.', 'You feel the need to free yourself from a situation that weighs you and no longer suits you, you look after detachment and freedom of action.', 'You will experience a period of change and transformation; the time is right to wipe the slate clean. A change in life is announced soon; it could relate to a move, the end of a relationship or a professional rejuvenation.', 'You need a calm and peaceful atmosphere, you will find this harmony through nature; escape from the confines of the urban jungle! You will need to show patience and an inner calm; you will not settle your troubles through an impulsive manner; control your emotions!', '', ': Intellectual work and research will fulfil you at present. A new start will be beneficial; accept any propositions that come your way along these lines. A solution or advice will give you relief against the problems you face. Do not let yourself be beaten down!', 'Your sensitivity and imagination are placed to the fore; you will feel a deep need to give way to your whims and desires. Now is the time for creation.', 'You will reap the rewards of your labours; a new romantic start is announced together with a positive financial beginning. Have faith in your lucky star. You will benefit from the power to make major decisions for those around you, use them to accomplish something positive you hold dear to your heart.'];