var cardsTitle = ['Gorse', 'Hawthorn', 'Alder', 'Grove', 'Birch', 'Heather', 'Oak', 'Honeysuckle', 'Blackthorn', 'Ash', 'Charcoal', 'Beech', 'Holly', 'Yew', 'The Sea', 'Ivy', 'Hazelnut', 'Silver Pine', 'Apple', 'Reed', 'Willow', 'Rowan', 'Elderberry', 'Aspen', 'Vine'];
var cardsImage = ['ajonc.jpg', 'aubepine.jpg', 'aulne.jpg', 'bosquet.jpg', 'bouleau.jpg', 'bruyere.jpg', 'chene.jpg', 'chevrefeuille.jpg', 'epine_noire.jpg', 'frene.jpg', 'fusain.jpg', 'hetre.jpg', 'houx.jpg', 'if.jpg', 'la_mer.jpg', 'lierre.jpg', 'noisetier.jpg', 'pin_argente.jpg', 'pommier.jpg', 'roseau.jpg', 'saule.jpg', 'sorbier.jpg', 'sureau.jpg', 'tremble.jpg', 'vigne.jpg'];
var cardsSigni = ['Oguam : Ohn. Good to gather.', 'Ogham: Huath. Purify and protect', 'Ogham: Fearn. Need of protection', 'Ogham: Ebad. The Sacred Place, a unit of time.', 'Ogham: Beithe. A new departure', 'Ogham: Ur. Healing and the Inner You', 'Ogham: Dair. Strength, power and protection', 'Ogham: Uilleann. Hidden mystery', 'Ogham: Straif. One way', 'Ogham: Nion. The visible and invisible', 'Ogham: Or. Gentleness and agreements', 'Ogham: Ifin. The culture of the Ancient Ones', 'Ogham: Tinne. Victory in battle', 'Ogham: Iodhadh. Rebirth and longevity', 'Ogham: Emancholl. The environment, the sea and voyage', 'Ogham: Gort. The inner voyage', 'Ogham: Coll. Intuition and sensitivity', 'Ogham: Ailm. Long term view', 'Ogham: Ceirt. Beauty and aesthetics', 'Ogham: nGetal. Direction and action', 'Ogham: Sail. Visions and dreams', 'Ogham: Luis. Protection from the evil eye', 'Ogham: Ruis. Alpha and Omega', 'Ogham: Eadhadh. Illness and healing', 'Ogham: Muin. Oracle and prophesies'];
var cardsDescr = ['The conditions have united to guide your path towards the objectives you have chosen. The elements around you provide a gentle and harmonious energy.', 'You will pass through a necessary but restricting phase. This is associated with the preparation of a new prosperous period. Meditation is favoured in order to purify your environment.', 'The energy from water will revitalise you and enable you to develop your gift of clairvoyance and premonition. This is a good protection against quarrels. Alder is the sign of intelligent words.', 'Knowledge and awareness are the source of peace and inner strength. The taste for secrets is a natural passion for those who know.', 'Free your spirit from negative thoughts and your body from bad habits. Prepare yourself for a new birth; you will obtain excellent results for your new trip.', 'Double meaning: It is through weaving invisible links with the spiritual world that you will reach enlightenment and clairvoyance. This Ogham places you on the path to healing and freedom.', 'Your objectives will be achieved if you show yourself resistant to exterior aggressive forces. Family represents the strength and unity on which you can rely.', 'You may have taken the wrong path somewhere or find yourself lost on a dark and shadowy path. Do not allow yourself to be distracted, the secret to success lies in listening to your inner voice.', 'You do not possess the power of decision for this question. Destiny is the sole influencing factor so leave the decision and outcome to destiny, trust it, you will succeed in the end.', 'What is above is as below. Your actions in the living world should imitate those of the spirit world; in this way you will achieve oneness: This is Karma.', 'Benefit from the happiness around you. The material world can be a source but retreat and spirituality can give you greater joy. This is the rainbow in your heart.', 'The counsel of the ancient ones is wise and knowledgeable; it is therefore recommended to listen to them and not give in to your vanity. Experience is wise, it guides the way to perception and maturity.', 'By being fair and balanced you will obtain victory over your adversaries. Avoid all direct conflict; you will win the battle by practising justice in your words, aggressiveness is a strong sign of weakness.', 'You are dissipating your strength on past experiences. You could be susceptible to some setbacks linked to a past action; reflect on the deeper meaning of this retribution.', 'You question yourself incessantly on the hidden depths of that which is unseen. Everything related to your childhood and place of birth is emphasised by Emancholl. Travel is favoured of course.', '', 'Concentrate yourself on your talents, both known and hidden; they may enable you to embark on new creative projects. Follow your intuition.', 'Show yourself to be prudent and farsighted by investing over the long term; develop your gift of vision. Do not succumb to choices that are easy but short-sighted. Ailm may announce a prosperous marriage.', 'There is a choice to make in the sentimental sphere between temptation and reason. The trouble lies in your thoughts so be aware! The attraction you feel towards someone may cause you suffering.', 'Your practicality will guide your steps; an action undertaken will bear fruit if you are careful to not allow yourself to be drawn in another direction. There may be unforeseen changes on the horizon so remain vigilant.', 'Your dreams could provide premonitions; your intuition is well developed and will protect you from certain avoidable setbacks. Sail indicates the active presence of a female well-wisher at your side.', 'The Rowan is synonymous with magical protection. If you have hidden enemies they cannot reach you through evil spells or charms, your protection will turn them away.', 'This Ogham announces a new start. Ruis represents the wheel of life with birth, life and death, in an eternal circle. The experience of life is infinitely repeated.', 'A passing fragility could make you lose some of your inner strength. This Ogham predicts its healing. Tell yourself that your fears and worries are only manifestations of your current state of mind.', 'Allow yourself to be guided by your instinct and release your clairvoyance. Do not let yourself be dominated by your intellectual and logical mind; in this way you will develop your inner eye and intuitive senses.'];